
孔子学院 C-E



When people appreciate a girl’s countenance, they focus on her eyes-Confucius China Studies Program is the eyes of Confucius Institute. Its implementation reflects the operation status of the latter, good or bad, dynamic or pedantic, mature or immature. It is crucial to the influence and sustainable development of Confucius Institute. It has prospered this year. However, the CCSP should be combined with local’s need in the short-term Young Leaders Fellowship project or Ph.D in China Fellowship one. Dr. Shin Ilhee, the Invitation president of Keimyung University in South Korea offered an excellent suggestion, adjusting academic researches to local conditions. For example,  Chinese traditional medicine is popular among East Asian countries but isn’t well received in  Central Asian countries. Nevertheless, they are interested in music and dance and like to have further communication with China on that. I agree on Dr. Shin’s suggestion completely. Therefore, Confucius Institute Headquarter (Hanban) will take more suggestions into consideration , which are from universities and countries around the world during the CCSP running.





A noticeable divergence appeared in the beginning in compiling principle and scheme between experts from the two countries.The Russian experts emphasized on the universality of the textbook applicable to students in universities, middle schools and primary schools. Taking the physical and mental difference between adults and children into consideration, the Chinese scholars propose a compiling based on the two groups’ separative features and acceptability during the foreign language learning process. The Russian party gradually agreed with its Chinese counterpart after negotiation. Another disagreement arose on binding unexpectedly. Chinese experts inclined to bind a textbook of a portable 200 pages or so for each semester as usual, arguing that  a new textbook offers students novelty at the beginning of a term and sense of achievement at the end of the term.The Russian experts insisted the binding of a book per year for the convenience of reviewing. The two parties couldn’t persuade each other until the Chinese experts compromised themselves by compiling two Chinese textbooks for two academic years to respect the Russian students’ learning habit.

